Welcome to the 2017 KosherEye Passover cookbook! We present new and classic recipes from our personal files, culinary stars, cookbook authors, favorite brands and of course, our talented readers. Additional recipes added daily! Check back often.
When you make one of our recipes, photograph it, and post on our Facebook page!
Apple-Beet Herring Appetizer
Beet Salad
Bubby Irma's Gefilte Fish
Cauliflower Cobb Salad
Cranberry Salad
Garlic Dip
Gefilte Fish
Gefilte Fish Cutlets
Gefilte Fish Mold
Gefilte Fish Pate
Gefilte Fish with Variations
Green Olive Dip
Guacamole Ritz Cancun
Herbed Garlic Oil
Mango Salsa
Mayim's Quinoa Salad
Mock Chopped Liver
Muffin Tin Whitefish Cakes
Orange Salmon Pate
Salmon Pecan Dip
Salmon and Whitefish Bites with Cucumber Sauce
Salmon Gefilte Fish
Sefardi Gefilte Fish
Smoked Trout Salad
Strawberry-Mango Salad
"Sweet Gefilte Fish"
Tomato Dip
Waldorf Salad
Betty's Beet Borscht
Carrot Dill Soup
Chicken Meatball and Matzo Ball Soup
Chicken Soup with Light Matzo Balls
2nd Avenue Deli Matzo Balls
Floater Matzo Balls
Golden Saffron Broth with Spinach Matzoh Balls
Homemade Vegetable Broth
Matzo Ball Soup Alon Shaya
New England Style Fish Chowder
Quinoa Gumbo
"Sinker"Matzo Balls
Triple Berry Fruit Soup
Vegetarian Matzo Ball Soup
Kumquat Haroset
Persian Haroset
Sefardi-Style Haroset
Chicken Marbella
Chicken Marvelosa
Chicken Milanese with Herb Tomato Salad
Chicken Roulade, Apricot, Fig & Pistachio Stuffing
Coke Chicken
Lemon Oven Fried Chicken
No So Basic Chicken Salad
Oven Fried Chicken
Perfect Roast Chicken Stuffed w/Spicy Matzoh Brei
Pungent Shabbat Chicken with Dried Fruit
Tagine of Chicken
2nd Avenue Deli Brisket
Brisket Prune Tzimmes
Brisket Like My Grandma Made
Brisket Prune Tzimmes
"Coca Cola" Atlanta Brisket
Brisket Sancocho
Meatloaf with Apricot Brandy Sauce
Matzo Lasagna
Pesach Cholent
Simple Brisket
Sweet–and–Sour Pot Roast
Temple Emanu-el Brisket
Veal: Stuffed Breast of Veal
Cranberry Lamb
Oregano Lamb Shanks w/Portobello Mushrooms
Bourride (Mediterranean fish stew)
Cold Poached Halibut with Fennel and Carrots and Lemony-Garlic Sauce
Gefilte Fish up a Notch & Sauced
Herbed Tilapia in Lemon Butter Sauce
Oven Fried Gefilte Fish Cutlets
Poached Salmon Fillet
Salmon Steak with Herb Sauce
Salmon Stuffed Peppers
Salune from Baghdad
Sefardi Gefilte Fish
Shumi's Fish
Tuna Pot Pie
Blintz Casserole
Crustless Tomato Quiche
Egg Frittata with Potatoes and Peppers
Huevos Rancheros
Matzo Brei with Mushroom Sour Cream Topping
Mock-aroni and Cheese
Mushroom, Broccoli and Egg Cupcakes
Eggplant and Potato Casserole
Passover Vegetable Lasagna
Spanish Tortilla Espanola
Vegetable Cutlets
Slow cooker Tzimmes
Vegetable Frittata
Quinoa Burgers
Vegetarian Kishke
Butternut Squash Puree
Cajun Carrot Fries
Carrot and Sweet Potato Tzimmes
Carrot Tzimmes with Dumplings
Cauliflower Kugel with Green Herb Crust
Fried Artichokes
Fried Zucchini
Homemade Horseradish
Mixed Berry Quinoa with Roasted Almonds
Mushroom Matzo Farfel Casserole
Onion Jam
Passover One Pan Matzoh Kugel
Passover Spinach Matzo Kugel
Passover Vegetarian Kishke
Potato and Onion Gratin
Potato Kugel
Potato Chip Zuccchini Sticks with Lemon Aioli
Quinoa Pilaf
Red Onion Jam
Sage-Sweet Potato Mash
Shabbat Carrot–Apple Kugel
Stuffed Roasted Onions
Sweet and Sour Beets
The Crispiest Potato Latkes Ever
Zucchini Casserole with Dill
In a Class of Its Own
Classic Basic Matzo Brei with Variations
Almond Cake with Peach–Apricot Topping
Blueberry-Lemon Parfait
Butter Pecan Matzoh Crisps
Chewy Almond and Chocolate Sandwiches
Chocolate Covered Matzo Toffee
Chocolate Mousse w/Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Chocolate Mousse Flower Pots
Chocolate Dipped Coconut Macaroons
Coconut Panna Cotta with Lime Curd
Crackling Brownie Meringues
Crème Brûlée
Dark Chocolate Bark
Debbie's Passover Macaroon Fudge Bars
Panna Cotta
Florentine Bars
Flourless Chocolate Cake
Flourless Chocolate-Hazelnut Cookies
Flourless Orange Chocolate Fudge Cupcakes
Forgotten Cookies
Frozen Strawberry Parfait with Basil Meringues
Kolatin Chocolate & Vanilla Mousse Parfait
Indulgent Pesach Tiramisu
Kolatin Chocolate-Banana Panna Cotta
Kolatin Strawberry Mousse
Marcy's Cranberry Crunch
Martine's Chocolate Marshmallow Roll
Mrs. B's Passover Brownie S'mores
Passover Apple Jam Cake with Sweet Marsala
Passover Apricots Bars
Passover Butter Cookies
Passover "Cake Mix" Cake
Passover Chocolate Chip Miracle Bars
Passover Farfel Cookies
Passover French Macarons
Passover Lemon Meringue Pie
Passover Linzer Torte
Passover Pecan Bars
Passover Vanilla Coconut Maracoons
Peach or Apple Crisp
Pear-Chocolate and Candied Orange Cobbler
Strawberry Fool
Trifle by Rebbetzin Lori Palatnick
Upside–Down Almond Torte
Vanilla Mousse
Velvety Chocolate Mousse
White Chocolate Torte
World's Best Chocolate Chip Passover Cookies
Yum Yum Nut Sweets
Almond Milk
Burmolikos – Bulgarian Matzo Puffs
Chocolate Covered Caramelized Matzohs
Fruit Smoothie – Design Your Own
Gaga's Passover Noodles
Garlicky–Lemon Aioli
Heirloom Passover Rolls
Hollandaise/Béarnaise Sauce
Homemade Mayonnaise
Passover Blueberry Muffins
Passover Chremslach
Passover Granola
Passover Onion Rolls
Passover Popover Rolls
Passover Powdered Sugar
Spreadable Strawberry Jam
Passover Features
Complete Lists of Passover Substitutions
Ina Garten’s 5 best Passover recipes via Aly Miller & The Nosher Ina Garten’s 5 best Passover recipes via Aly Miller & The Nosher
"Make Your Own" for Passover
Matzo Brei – 8 Ways
Passover Baking with Penny Eisenberg
Passover Baking with Lisa Koonin
Passover Recipes Shared by KosherEye Readers
Passover Tips, Links, & Information
Passover with the Stars 2016
Passover All-Stars
Passover with the Stars - 2014
Passover with the Stars - 2013
Passover with the Stars - 2012
Passover without Plotzing!
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Recipes
The Passover Table Project
Vegetarian Matzo Ball Soup – Almost the Real Thing
How to Make Homemade Matzo Balls
Jewish Home of LA Matzo Brei Recipe Contest
Cooking With Chef Herschel – Pot Roast